I'm on a mission to help visionary leaders consciously expand their creation & coaching abilities so they can abundantly bring their soul aligned gifts to the world, and we can collectively shape a more sustainable world!

Why I can help you...
I've been seriously blessed, and I've worked my tail off, when it comes to leadership and being an entrepreneur. My mentoring mojo is a combination of things...
🤔 a sprinkle of good genes - entrepreneurship runs in my family,
😹 a dash of the birth order leadership draw - I'm the oldest of four,
💃🏻 years of training as a dancer and learning to layer training as a dance teacher,
🍨 a dollop of deep dedication to my next level of soul and business growth,
🎉 outstanding spiritual, business, leadership, and investor mentors along the way,
🩰 a good first successful business experience as the owner of a 500-pupil ballet school,
🙏 becoming a priestess which developed my intuition and ability to hold space for others,
🌱 divinely downloading the Elemental Forces of Creation body of wisdom in1999,
🌕 years of practice manifesting with the natural rhythms of the sun and moon, monthly and seasonally,
🍀 20+ years as an accelerated learning workshop facilitator both in-person and online,
⭐ 20+ years helping others identify their abundance creation team to manifest more financial flow,
🌐 20+ years leading a powerful feminine leadership empowerment process for women,
📚 becoming an author of several books and an oracle,
✨ thousands of hours training and mentoring other amazing leaders,
📔 selling and/or licensing programs I created in various fields,
🚀 years of additional study and time as a success coach with Entrepreneurs Institute.
Each of these layers of development assists me in supporting you to gain clarity in your direction, deepen your soul-filled business leadership, and activate your full inner abundance creation team.
Let's put my thirty years of soul-filled business & leadership experience behind you bringing your heart aligned abundance, visions, and impact into reality.
Personally, I’ve been with my illustrator husband and creative life partner Prescott Hill since 1999. We've helped each other heal and grow tremendously over the years. I adore his huge heart, funny spirit, and creative soul. We love creating things together - gardens, books, spaces, and life. We’ve grown a precious relationship over the years and nurture gardens, land, each other, and our cats, on the outskirts of Atlanta GA.
